Elliot Cole: The Future Is Bright
featuring Peter Ferry and the NYU Percussion Ensemble
The Future Is Bright:
1. Blinded
2. Night Swim
3. It isn’t and it is
4. Flowerpot Music [NYU Book]
5. FM Dream
featuring Peter Ferry and the NYU Percussion Ensemble
The Future Is Bright:
1. Blinded
2. Night Swim
3. It isn’t and it is
4. Flowerpot Music [NYU Book]
5. FM Dream
Brendan Wong,
Shannon Silver, &
Yang Chen, percussion (1-3)
NYU Percussion Ensemble, directed by Jonathan Haas and Sean Statser (4-5)
The Future is Bright was inspired by the films of Jodie Mack.
1-3 mixed and mastered by Daniel Neumann
4 recorded by Four/Ten Media
5 remixed by Elliot Cole
4-5 mixed and mastered by Christopher Botta
The Future is Bright: for soloist, film, and percussion ensemble was supported by New Music USA, made possible by annual program support and/or endowment gifts from Helen F. Whitaker Fund & Aaron Copland Fund for Music.